Realising and unleashing one’s full potential


One of the most destructive habits for our well-being is to compare ourselves to others. Be it with our achievements, outward appearances, incomes or earthly possessions, most of us are inclined to compare how our lives measure up to others’. Very little good ever comes of this unhealthy practice as it can leave us feeling empty, unaccomplished, unworthy and unimportant. Above all, this limited way of thinking not only causes self-loathing, but it also hinders us from reaching our full potential and it depletes our self-confidence.

A positive way to combat the cyclical, comparative thought patterns is to focus on what makes us unique. Once we realise that each of us is different and possess diverse gifts, we begin a new pattern of thoughts and find ourselves in a much healthier mindset. It takes time and a conscious effort, but we should rather learn to embrace our gifts – it is life-changing when we begin to cherish the tools and talents we possess. Our unique combination of abilities might be exactly what could lead to breakthrough and success in a particular area, so to compare ourselves to others defeats the purpose.

Accepting what you are good at is part of finding out what you enjoy and what brings you fulfilment. Few of us can unleash our potential while being stuck in a negative mindset or grumbling about circumstances. When we rather focus on improving and enhancing our skill sets, we become driven with purpose and find fulfilment, which in turn leads us to unlock new strengths and passion.

A person motivated by passion is more likely to unlock their full potential because passion fuels creativity, ignites a drive to push towards goals, powers hard work and inspires those who surround us to catch onto this infectious enthusiasm. However, passionate people should also remember to pause and take stock of our circumstances and our teams – if we don’t do this, we risk getting ahead of ourselves with ideas or solutions and forcing situations to work. While a passion to get things done is critical, a balancing dose of patience is equally important as it allows circumstances to unforcefully reveal themselves and provide powerful solutions.

Being headstrong and impatiently forcing situations instead of taking a step back to strategise with our teams shows a prideful nature. It means we are more interested in pushing our own solutions with little regard for others’ opinions around us. Rather, be willing to not always take credit for ideas and outcomes. This gives us a clear perspective and allows us to adopt a humble belief that little is achieved on our own. We cannot achieve our potential apart from the very community or environment that cultivates our passion.

At the end of the day, if we can respect ourselves and others, we show that we are capable of collaborating toward greatness and that we are not willing to compromise our integrity to do so.

Mylene Paynter

South African, traveling between Stellenbosch, South Africa and Cornelius, NC, USA.


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